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prof Pall WSU/USA will visit Germany and Italy

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#1 trees


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Inviato 25 ottobre 2008 - 13:11:34

dear visitors

Prof M Pall does visit Germany and Italy in november this year, he will discus his book [explaining unexplained illnesses] with other scientists about the cause of our disease; the peroxinitrite theorie.

You can visit this link for downloading info and flyers:


It is my opinion that this is good news because i have the book he did write himself, it does attack the psychogenic [false] claims about the cause of our disease very detailed and substantiated.

He does visit Wurzburg close to Frankfurt and Rome and North Italy, so the distance is not so far [but attending it is not for free most times; i do not know about the costs in Italy ]. Most important for us is that it will certainly contribute to the turnaround of the medical society toward our disease; and that is very very welcome.

Also Prof Pall does visit the European parliament, I copy what he did write about it himself:

I have finished the long MCS review that I was working feverishly on and it has
been accepted for publication. I will not tell you anything more about it until
it is on the verge of actually coming out. I don't know yet when that will be.

There have been, as some of you may know, some major changes towards increased
acceptance of and interest in the NO/ONOO- cycle, particularly in Europe, and
particularly as an explanation for MCS. I will be in Europe from Mid-November
through the 7th of December and will be giving a whole series of talks there. I
will be the keynote speaker at the European Environmental Medicine meeting and
that almost the entire two day meeting will be on the NO/ONOO- cycle. Three
other speakers will be talking about the cycle at the meeting and I will be
participating in two panel discussions that are also focussed on the cycle. So
this is an amazing turn of events. I will be meeting with two physicians in
Paris and some others interested in MCS, will be speaking at a medical school in
Northern Italy, in Rome, in Zurich, Bern, Salzburg and giving an additional talk
in Germany, ending up at the European Parliament in Strassbourg, where I am the
only non-European invited to speak at a special session on Environmental
Medicine. I would add that Dr. Hill a toxicologist in Germany and two
co-authors have published a book on MCS in German, that is again, focussed
largely on the NO/ONOO- cycle. So there has been a surprising amount of
progress on this in a relatively short time period, which should not lead us to
underestimate the force of the vested interests that will, no doubt continue to
deny the existence of MCS as a physiological illness.

My thanks, again to you, for your support and interest.

Martin L. (Marty) Pall

So also in Rome / italy, but i do not know where exactly.

Messaggio modificato da trees, 25 ottobre 2008 - 13:19:59

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#2 raffa


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Inviato 25 ottobre 2008 - 14:27:46

Hi trees,
thanks a lot for your informations about Dott.P Mall visit in Italy.
we just know Pall's works about NO/ONOO cicle, cause in this forum we've got a lot of very active people.
Anyway,if you have any other news about our troubled pathologies,please post it,we'll be really thankful to you.
thanks again,best wishes you too.
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#3 danis


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Inviato 25 ottobre 2008 - 15:52:40

Trees! :) Welcome back!

It's a very good news, thanks so much.

I wish we were able to make Dr. Pall speaking in some great pubblic happening.

What about you? How are you? Any good news?

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#4 trees


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Inviato 01 novembre 2008 - 14:43:24

Dear visitors,

We can contribute make it a big happening by giving publicity on this, approach prof M Pall by email and ask where [which university] he will be speaking and when, then visit the local newspapers [in Rome] and tell them you have news for them [that is what they want to hear]. there will be a good change they will
publish about it.

By this way we support Prof M Pall and his very noble/sincere goals, and of course it will certainly contribute improving our situation.


Trees!  ;) Welcome back!

It's a very good news, thanks so much.

I wish we were able to make Dr. Pall speaking in some great pubblic happening.

What about you? How are you? Any  good news?

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Inviato 29 novembre 2008 - 02:58:23

clik here: http://www.cfsitalia...?showtopic=3493
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#6 trees


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Inviato 06 dicembre 2008 - 14:54:53

clik here: http://www.cfsitalia...?showtopic=3493

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Dear suzan and Vittoria,

Thank you very much, I believe that you did contribute in a positive way by visiting the conference held by Prof M pall and reporting about it on the internet forum.
To which extend and what the meaning of it will be for the future, we will only know in the future.
At this time it is the most wise thing we can do, to promote these scientific serious conferences [not by shouting].

I heard perhaps there will be an audio file available ?, perhaps the link can also be posted in english?


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Inviato 17 dicembre 2008 - 00:49:30

Dear suzan and Vittoria,

Thank you very much, I believe that you did contribute in a positive way by visiting the conference held by Prof M pall and reporting about it on the internet forum.
To which extend and what the meaning of it will be for the future, we will only know in the future.
At this time it is the most wise thing we can do, to promote these scientific serious conferences [not by shouting].

I heard perhaps there will be an audio file available ?, perhaps the link can also be posted in english? 



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Thank you Trees.

File audio, click here: http://www.cfsitalia...rie/Pall_RM.wma
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