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#1 Amministrazione


    Grande amico del forum

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  • 650 messaggi
  • Gender:Male

Inviato 15 settembre 2008 - 01:26:14


CFSItalia is a place where CFS/ME sufferers can get information, exchange ideas and support each other both in the search for a cure and to offer moral support for the everyday effort of dealing with the symptoms and suffering caused by this debilitation illness.

It is a meeting place where everyone is welcome to share ideas and experiences to bring comfort and recognition to those afflicted by CFS/ME and to their families who share the burden of dealing with the disease.

In this worldwide virtual community, CFSItalia recognizes that sharing experiences of CFS can bring comfort and relief, and here in our community we can all express our opinions, and give information about our successes and failures, to try to help other sufferers.

Everyone is welcome, and all we ask is that all participants respect the views of other members of the forum so we can offer a safe haven for the exchange of ideas in a non-judgmental atmosphere of tranquil cooperation, and the free exchange of experiences that can lead to a common solution to our problems.

This exchange of information my bring to light novel and unique approaches to handling your own difficulties and offer you solutions you may never have thought of on your own.

Since diagnosis and treatment of CFS (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome), is the job of qualified doctors and diagnostic centers we would caution you to never follow advice contrary to your physician’s directions based on the information contained in the site. Advice and comments about drugs and treatment protocols or other suggestions exchanged among people in the forum cannot and must not replace the opinion of doctors. For this reason, we suggest you consult your doctor before undertaking any therapy or pharmacological course of action. The advice of our specialists must be considered a possible indication of CFS and not a positive diagnosis, which can only be made by medical professionals.
The CFSItalia site has several areas. You can refer to some areas to get information that might be useful in dealing with the symptoms of the disease. In other areas we encourage your participation in order to give others the benefit of your experiences.

CFSItalia is divided according to topics of interest in order to make it easier to find the specific area of interest of each individual. For this reason we ask you to take this division into consideration and to respect this division when you want to post your comments for the community to share. In order to ensure that there is continuity and order in the site, CFSItalia may reassign your comments to a more appropriate area of subject matter.

For other rules and conditions please visit the REGULATION AREA

To keep you up to date, it is possible to review topics previously discussed in the forum by just clicking on the SEARCH option and inserting the key word for the topic you are looking for.

If you are new to the forum we strongly suggest that you take a few minutes to review older postings in order to clarify current comments.

The administration of CFSItalia is at your disposal for information, explanations or clarifications. We will attempt to give precise answers to your questions and offer you whatever help you need to simplify your concerns. We will do everything we can to ensure freedom of expression and peace of mind for everyone.

Welcome to our community, CFSItalia is here to support you and help with your problems by providing up to date information, reference material and personal support.

Please feel free to contact us at:

We wish you health, tranquility, and peace of mind.

Il Forum ha carattere divulgativo e le informazioni contenute non devono sostituirsi alle visite e alle diagnosi mediche.

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senza esplicita autorizzazione da parte degli amministratori.


Le informazioni fornite in questo Forum non intendono sostituirsi né implicitamente né esplicitamente al parere professionale di un medico né a diagnosi, trattamento o prevenzione di qualsivoglia malattia e/o disturbo. non ha alcun controllo sul contenuto di siti terzi ai quali sia collegato tramite link e non potrà essere ritenuto responsabile per qualsivoglia danno causato da quei contenuti. Gli amministratori e moderatori non sono responsabili dei messaggi scritti dagli utenti sul forum.