Il NICE sta calando le brache?
Inviato 09 novembre 2007 - 20:30:12
Speriamo che calino le brache......
Qui di seguito riporto la notizia apparsa sul sito di the One Click Group:
The One Click Group has been in receipt of major breaking news from Saunders Solicitors LLP in the funding of the Judicial Review of the appalling CFS/ME NICE Guidelines. It is entirely major positive. This is another happy tears moment all round.
We are not at liberty at present to publicly divulge this information for fear of compromising the position that is still under negotiation. We hope to be able to provide more concrete information for you next week. We wish it could be sooner, but the weekend is about to intervene.
This news is simply wonderful and very much in our favour. For everybody. There has been something about this case from the outset. Something good and terribly empowering. Suffice it to say that no more pledges will be necessary at this time. We will keep all our readers and contributors to the Legal Appeal Campaign apprised of this major development as soon as we have permission to do so.
It is as if we have had the angels on our side from the start with this court case campaign. We never expected to get this and we never dared to hope. Please long may it continue.
We would like to thank all the team members at Saunders Solicitors LLP for their excellent work.
Thank You All!
The One Click Group
"It is a mistake to try to look too far ahead. The chain of destiny can only be grasped one link at a time."
Sir Winston Churchill, British politician (1874 - 1965)
newsletter di the one click group:
1. Judicial Review - Major Breaking News.
The One Click Group has been in receipt of major breaking news from Saunders Solicitors LLP in the funding of the Judicial Review of the appalling CFS/ME NICE Guidelines. It is entirely major positive. This is another happy tears moment all round.
2. Aids Vaccine - Scientific Chaos.
Barbara Loe Fisher from the National Vaccine Information Center writes on Merck HIV Vaccine Fails, Politics Prevails and comments: "At the very least, our children should not be pulled into this scientific chaos - either in experimental HIV vaccine clinical trials or in future government "adolescent vaccine platform" planning."
3. Media Dishonestly Reports SSRI Dangers - Finnish Massacre.
Vera Hassner Sharav from the AHRP writes: "The headlines in the Finnish Press (below) about a shooting rampage by an 18-year old High School student, Pekka-Eric Auvinen. Before killing six students, the head teacher and a nurse, and turning the gun on himself, Auvinen indicated that he "ate SSRI antidepressants" which, he said, made him feel "aggressive." One can only speculate why major news outlets outside of Finland--CNN, Yahoo, Reuters, BBC--failed to report all facts provided by the Finnish sources--including Auvinen's own statements in a video on YouTube about his unsuccessful treatment with SSRIs.
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Buon fine settimana
Inviato 09 novembre 2007 - 20:59:53
Inviato 09 novembre 2007 - 21:11:31
Inviato 09 novembre 2007 - 21:22:26
sei senza pietà, povera danis..
Macche' senza pieta' Vivo.
Oggi ho paralto con Danis.
Funzionava in "modo" semi-tapirico, ma non e' ancora in pre-ibernazione.
Ps: oggi ho provato per la prima volta la metilcobalamina. Funzia. Questa mattina ho preso 2 cpr da 5 mg, e nel pomeriggio altre 2cpr da 5mg. Funziona bene. Per la adenosil-cobalamina parlato anche con "il Boss". Sembre che le due forme di Vit b12, la metil e la adenosilcobalamina (dibencozide) abbiano un'azione complementare. Il Boss suggerisce di provarle entrambe, magari a cicli alternati. La adenosil-cobalamina viene unsata anche dagli ammalati di Scleorsi multipla ed, ovviamente, anche dai culturisti (pardon "body Builder") ben palestrati.
buon fine settimana
Inviato 13 novembre 2007 - 14:46:41
Dalle ultime notizie pervenutemi da ..
E' iniziata la Judicial Rewiev. Posto qui di seguito il testo riassuntivo dell'azione.
Come al solito la brava danis avra' da sfacchianare.
Inviato 20 novembre 2007 - 20:57:11
Inviato 22 novembre 2007 - 10:08:08
JOSEPH....nessuna nuova sul fronte?
Joseph credo sia in viaggio. Io ho trovato questo sul sito di One click:
Rassegna stampa del 21 Novembre 2007
Associazione Gruppo di pressione per la Salute
Lancia l’azione presso l’Alta Corte contro NICE oggi.
L’Associazione The One Click deposita oggi richiesta formale presso l’Alta Corte per la Revisione Giudiziale delle Linee Guida per la ME/CFS del Nazionale Institute for Health and Clinical Exellence (NICE). La squadra legale che gestisce questo caso è formata da Saunders Solicitors LLP e l’avvocato Kate Marcus per Doughty Street Chambers. Noi cerchiamo di far invalidare e chiudere queste scorrette Linee Guida.
Sfidando le sostanziose prove biomediche sottoposte al suo Gruppo di Sviluppo delle Linee Guida (GDG), il NICE sta raccomandando gli inappropriati e potenzialmente pericolosi regimi di modificazione del comportamento della Terapia Cognitivo Comportamentale e della Terapia dell’Esercizio Graduale (CBT/GET) come la sola strategia di gestione per questi pazienti. Queste terapie hanno dimostrato di danneggiare considerevolmente i pazienti neurologici ME/CFS.
Al contrario, l’Organizzazione Mondiale della Sanità classifica ME/CFS come una malattia neurologica (WHO ICD-10 G93.3) e questa viene accettata dal Dipartimento della Salute. Il governo del Regno Unito è firmatario della rubrica WHO e quindi deve attenersi a questa.
La Società britannica di Psicologia ha pubblicamente criticato le Linee Guida giudicandole insufficientemente basate su evidenze e troppo normative nelle sue raccomandazioni di terapia. Otto delle maggiori Associazioni di volontariato ME/CFS hanno dichiarato le Linee Guida come non idonee allo scopo.
La direttrice di One click Group Jane Bryant ha detto: “ I pazienti riconosciuti ME/CFS, dottori, accademici, gruppi di volontariato e associazioni da tutto il mondo ci hanno fornito un enorme supporto per questa revisione Giudiziale. Non vediamo l’ora che le prove biomediche della ME/CFS diventino di dominio pubblico attraverso l’Alta Corte.
Il Professor Anthony Komaroff della Harvard Medical School ha detto: “Ci sono ora più di 4.000 studi pubblicati che mostrano le anormalità biologiche nei pazienti con questa malattia. Non è una malattia che le persone possano semplicemente immaginare di avere e non è una malattia psicologica. A mio parere, questo dibattito, in corso da vent’anni, dovrebbe ora essere terminato”
Il One Click Group cerca di portare alla sua più opportuna fine questo dibattito attraverso l’Alta Corte.
Quindi è iniziata ufficiamente.....
"tu cerchi la risposta, ma non devi cercare fuori la risposta, la risposta è dentro di te, e però è sbagliata!" Quelo
Inviato 22 novembre 2007 - 11:11:33
il mio pensiero è che se si aspetta il governo italiano .... l'eba cresce
credo che la nostra speranza sia legata a cio che si deciderà a livello europeo, non tanto per cio che riguarda il pagamento o meno di tiket, ma per cio che riguarda linee guida approccio e - speranza speranza- l'organizzare un gruppo medico che sia in grado di monitorare la patologia, che almeno uno in tutto lo stivale forse un giorno...chissà...
Comunque l'italietta spero che si adegui a quello che si spera possa succedere in europa
Inviato 22 novembre 2007 - 15:57:57
ecco. grazie danis
il mio pensiero è che se si aspetta il governo italiano .... l'eba cresce
credo che la nostra speranza sia legata a cio che si deciderà a livello europeo, non tanto per cio che riguarda il pagamento o meno di tiket, ma per cio che riguarda linee guida approccio e - speranza speranza- l'organizzare un gruppo medico che sia in grado di monitorare la patologia, che almeno uno in tutto lo stivale forse un giorno...chissà...
Comunque l'italietta spero che si adegui a quello che si spera possa succedere in europa
Io credo che dovremmo tentare tutte le strade, quella europea e quella italiana insieme, anche perchè è difficile farsi sentire a livello europeo e poi alla domanda cosa avete chiesto al governo italiano, dover rispondere: niente! ( almeno in via ufficiale)
Altra speranza è l'affossamento del NICE, perchè anche alcune menti illuminate sottovalutano il contenuto del NICE quando raccomanda la CBT e il GET come terapia.
E mentre incrociamo le dita per la causa inglese, magari riusciamo ad utilizzarle anche per far qualcosa di utile qui.
"tu cerchi la risposta, ma non devi cercare fuori la risposta, la risposta è dentro di te, e però è sbagliata!" Quelo
Inviato 23 novembre 2007 - 23:31:30
Joseph credo sia in viaggio. Io ho trovato questo sul sito di One click:
Rassegna stampa del 21 Novembre 2007
Associazione Gruppo di pressione per la Salute
Lancia l’azione presso l’Alta Corte contro NICE oggi.
L’Associazione The One Click deposita oggi richiesta formale presso l’Alta Corte per la Revisione Giudiziale delle Linee Guida per la ME/CFS del Nazionale Institute for Health and Clinical Exellence (NICE). La squadra legale che gestisce questo caso è formata da Saunders Solicitors LLP e l’avvocato Kate Marcus per Doughty Street Chambers. Noi cerchiamo di far invalidare e chiudere queste scorrette Linee Guida.
Sfidando le sostanziose prove biomediche sottoposte al suo Gruppo di Sviluppo delle Linee Guida (GDG), il NICE sta raccomandando gli inappropriati e potenzialmente pericolosi regimi di modificazione del comportamento della Terapia Cognitivo Comportamentale e della Terapia dell’Esercizio Graduale (CBT/GET) come la sola strategia di gestione per questi pazienti. Queste terapie hanno dimostrato di danneggiare considerevolmente i pazienti neurologici ME/CFS.
Quindi è iniziata ufficiamente.....
Danis sono kaputt e devo andare a leto fra pochi secondi. Per questo motivo ti incollo le ultime notizie dal The One click Group. Consiglierei a tuti voi di iscrivervi alla email di Teh one click group. Vi sara'di aiuto.
Auguroni e scusate per gli errori di battitura.
ecco qui il testo della homepage con gli articoli dal 23 al 21 Novembre
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* Evidence Mounts - Lyme Disease and Autism
Numbers indicate that 20-30% of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder may be infected with Lyme Borreliosis and pathogenic Mycoplasma may be a contributor in 58% of cases.
Press Release from the LIA Foundation
* Approved Lyme Disease Tests Useless
Current testing kits are no better than tossing a coin, says the Lyme and Associated Diseases Society, and, as a result, many people with the disease are walking around undiagnosed.
From WDDTY (What Doctors Don't Tell You), Source British Medical Journal.
* Infant Sleeping Environment - Urgent Revision Required
An Auckland University research team has found that sleeping on a used mattress in the first year of life is a risk factor for asthma. Canadian research already reached same conclusion. Paediatric advice on the infant sleeping environment needs urgent revision.
Press Release from T J Sprott OBE MSc PhD FNZIC, Consulting chemist & forensic scientist, New Zealand
Scroll down the website to read much more news on One Click or go to the News Archives
The One Click Group
Fri, November 23rd, 2007. 04:48 pm
Evidence Mounts - Lyme Disease and Autism
Evidence Mounts Implicating Lyme Disease in the Autism Epidemic
A new article in Medical Hypotheses The association between tick-borne infections, Lyme Borreliosis and autism spectrum disorders was released this week. Robert Bransfield, M.D., the main author collaborated with top doctors in both fields on this paper such as Jeff Wulfman, M.D., William T. Harvey, M.D. and Anju Usman, M.D.
The summary of the article states that "Chronic infectious diseases, including tick-borne infections such as Borrelia burgdorferi may have direct effects, promote other infections and create a weakened, sensitized and immunologically vulnerable state during fetal development and infancy leading to increased vulnerability for developing autism spectrum disorders."Bransfield et al examine clinical observations, case reports, laboratory testing of patients with Autism Spectrum Disorder for tick-borne diseases, brain imaging results, epidemiological findings, infections and autism, tick-borne/Borreliosis infections and psychiatric illness and many other factors in this collaboration of research findings.
Numbers indicate that 20-30% of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder may be infected with Lyme Borreliosis and pathogenic Mycoplasma may be a contributor in 58% of cases. With these staggering numbers, families and physicians need education on the proper testing and treatment methods currently available. With these 20-30% numbers representing around 140,000 cases of autism in the United States alone, the human impact of this disease is staggering. Bransfield et al states that "If just 20% of the 560,000 recognized cases of ASD in the US can be prevented or more effectively treated, this could result in a savings of $358 billion in addition to the incalculable human impact of this disease."
The authors recognized the contributions of Charles Ray Jones, M.D. for decades of expertise and dedication in helping hundreds of children with Lyme Borreliosis and autism spectrum disorder.
Parents needing more information on testing and treatment can turn to the LIA Foundation for support. They are a non-profit organization which focuses on research, awareness and education on the multiple infections, including Borrelia/Lyme Disease, and how that impacts children with Autism Spectrum Disorder.
About Autism:
Autism is a disorder that currently affects 1 out of 150 children. Boys are the majority of those affected. The numbers of autism cases spiked in the mid-late 90's and continues to remain high. Most children do improve with some sort of biomedical and behavioral intervention.About Lyme Disease:
Lyme disease is generally caused by a tick bite and can is more effective when antibiotics are administered soon after the infection. Borreliosis is a long-term infection that exists and can be undiagnosed Lyme disease or transmitted in some other way. Symptoms include achy joints, confusion, slurring words, word retrieval problems, brain fog, sensitivity to light and sound. Lyme disease in its late stage can be fatal, causing MS like symptoms and debilitating its victims. One of the disorders in which Lyme disease is known to mimic is autism spectrum disorder.
About the LIA Foundation:
The foundation was started in September 2006 by parents of children with autism and Lyme disease. Kathy Blanco of Beaverton, OR and Tami Duncan of Corona, CA are the founders. The foundation's goals are to provide awareness, education and research on the multiple-infections such as Borrelia and its connection to autism.
Fri, November 23rd, 2007. 04:36 pm
Approved Lyme Disease Tests Useless
What Doctors Don't Tell You
Lyme disease: The tests are only as good as the toss of a coin
23 November 2007
Tests for Lyme disease are so poor that they can miss up to half of all cases. Even test kits that have been approved by drug regulators such as the Centers for Disease Control in the US miss an average of 88 cases out of every 200.
Current testing kits are no better than tossing a coin, says the Lyme and Associated Diseases Society, and, as a result, many people with the disease are walking around undiagnosed.
(Source: British Medical Journal, 2007; 335: 1008).
Fri, November 23rd, 2007. 04:35 pm
Infant Sleeping Environment - Urgent Revision Required
23 November 2007
New Zealand Asthma Research: Conclusions Out-Of-Date And Misleading For Parents
New Zealand asthma research published this month in the journal "Clinical and Experimental Allergy" is a further reason for babies' mattresses to be wrapped in specified plastic, says cot death prevention expert Dr Jim Sprott OBE.
An Auckland University research team has found that sleeping on a used mattress in the first year of life is a risk factor for asthma.(1) The researchers stated that their finding "could be related to the observation that used mattresses have higher levels of [dust] mite allergen."
"The researchers are treating their finding as new, but their conclusions are already out-of-date", stated Dr Sprott. "Canadian asthma research reported in New Zealand in 1998 showed that encasing a mattress in an impermeable plastic cover prevents exposure to house dust mites, so it stands to reason that unwrapped cot mattresses are associated with elevated asthma risk."
In the Canadian research mattresses were encased in vapour-impermeable covers. Using sensitive assays, investigators found that encasement of the mattress significantly reduced house dust mite allergen in beds.(2) Noting that children are most likely to become sensitised to allergens during the first year of life, researcher Dr Allan Becker stated that mattresses should be encased from the time of a baby's birth to minimise exposure to allergens and subsequent sensitisation.
Mattress-wrapping is widely practised in New Zealand for the elimination of cot death risk.(3) "Quite obviously, babies' mattresses should also be wrapped to reduce asthma risk," stated Dr Sprott. "In view of the longstanding Canadian research finding, the Auckland University researchers clearly should take the logical next step and tell parents to wrap babies' mattresses to reduce asthma risk."
Dr Sprott noted that the Auckland University researchers reported a link between daycare attendance and the likelihood of respiratory tract infections. "US research has also shown, again years ago, that cot death risk is much higher in daycares than in babies' own homes," stated Dr Sprott.(4) "The reason for both findings is the multiple re-use of unwrapped mattresses in daycares. So once again the Auckland University researchers should take the logical next step and tell parents to wrap mattresses for avoidance of microbial infections."
"Mattress-wrapping is also essential for prevention of head flattening in babies," stated Dr Sprott. "If a baby is sleeping on a mattress wrapped in accordance with the cot death prevention protocol, the baby does not need to sleep face-up, and so the risk of head flattening can be eliminated by use of the side-sleeping position."
"Paediatric advice on the infant sleeping environment needs urgent revision," stated Dr Sprott. "Parents are being denied full information. Mattress-wrapping in accordance with the cot death prevention protocol eliminates cot death risk, and head flattening can also be avoided; mattress-wrapping also reduces asthma risk and risk of microbial infection.
"So why don't the New Zealand Ministry of Health, Plunket Society and the Auckland University researchers tell parents to wrap babies' mattresses?"
1. Mitchell, E A, et al, Risk factors for asthma at 3.5 and 7 years of age, Clinical & Experimental Allergy 2000; 37 (12), 1747–1755.
2. New Zealand GP (11 February 1998), page 20. Chan-Yueng, M, et al, A Randomized Controlled Study on the Effectiveness of a Multifaceted Intervention Program in the Primary Prevention of Asthma in High-Risk Infants, Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med 2000; 154: 657-663. Allergen levels in beds where families had encased the mattress were 0.22 microgram of allergen per gram of dust, as compared with 1.18 microgram of allergen per gram of dust for families who did not encase the mattress.
3. Since 1995 an estimated 165,000 New Zealand babies have slept on mattresses wrapped for cot death prevention. During that time the New Zealand nationwide cot death rate has fallen by 67% and the Pakeha (majority NZ European) ethnic rate has fallen by around 84%. There has been no reported cot death among babies sleeping on "wrapped mattresses". Mattress-wrapping statistic based on two research studies which reported the incidence of mattress-wrapping in New Zealand: NZ Med J 2000; 113: 8-10; NZ Med J 2000; 113: 326-327.
4. Moon, R Y, et al, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome in Child Care Settings, Pediatrics 2000; 106: 295-300.
Media release issued by:
Consulting chemist & forensic scientist
10 Combes Road
Auckland 1050
Phone/fax: +64-9-5231150
e-mail: sprott@iconz.co.nz
website: www.cotlife2000.co.nz
Fri, November 23rd, 2007. 04:33 pm
Whistleblower Scientist Intimidated by GlaxoSmithKline
FDAnews Drug Daily Bulletin
Nov. 20, 2007 | Vol. 4 No. 228
Senate Report Alleges GSK Intimidation Over Avandia ConcernsTwo high-ranking senators placed a report in the Congressional Record detailing how GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) employees allegedly intimidated a scientist who raised concerns over the company’s Type 2 diabetes drug Avandia.
GSK tried to intimidate and silence university professor John Buse after he raised concerns about Avandia’s (rosiglitazone maleate) link to cardiovascular events, Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus (D-Mont.) and Ranking Member Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) said. The lawmakers are concerned the incident could be part of a “more troubling pattern of behavior by pharmaceutical executives,” the report says.
Buse spoke about the company’s intimidation at a House Oversight and Government Reform Committee hearing earlier this year. GSK said the accusations were “absolutely false.” After his testimony, Baucus and Grassley sent letters to GSK and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill asking for documents, contacts and communications between the organizations related to Avandia.
According to the report, after Buse voiced concerns with Avandia, GSK employees labeled him a renegade, complained to his superiors and threatened a lawsuit, the report says. At one point, Buse said a company employee told his department chair that Buse could be held liable for a $4 billion drop in the company’s stock.
GSK then prepared a letter for Buse to sign that said he was no longer worried about an increased risk of cardiovascular events with Avandia use. The company showed the letter to a consulting firm that was evaluating GSK’s products for investors. Buse also signed a legal document agreeing not to discuss the issue in public.
High-ranking executives, including CEO Jean-Pierre Garnier, were involved in discussions to silence Buse, according to the committee report.
If GSK had taken Buse’s concerns more seriously, some of the thousands of heart attacks caused by Avandia may have been avoided, the report says. “Attacks on medical researchers by the pharmaceutical industry must stop. And stop now,” Grassley said.
The committee report can be seen here
Thu, November 22nd, 2007. 03:05 pm
Police With Dogs Force Child Vaccination
Promoting Openness, Full Disclosure, and Accountability
www.ahrp.org and http://ahrp.blogspot.com
Police With Dogs: Enforce Kids; Vaccination / Idiotic Policy?
Vera Hassner Sharav
Below are eye witness accounts of what took place on Saturday, Nov. 17, 2007 in Prince George's County, Maryland, the United States of America, when parents who attempted to protect their children from being vaccinated--with vaccines whose safety is a matter of a contentious debate by independent scientists and families on both sides of the Atlantic.
Unlike smallpox or polio, chicken pox is a mild disease for most children, and the vaccine is hardly worth the risk for some children. Hepatitis B is treatable, the risks in the US and Western Europe no more than 2%, while the safety of the Hepatitis B vaccine, one of the vaccines being forced on children--in Maryland with the "persuasive" power of armed Police with dogs--is the subject of a contentious debate.
In 1996, there were 872 serious adverse events reported in US children under the age of 14 who had been vaccinated with the hepatitis B vaccine.
Of the 48 children who died after vaccination, 13 had received only the hepatitis B vaccine; the rest were vaccinated in a combination with other vaccines.
According to the National Vaccine Information Center, that year, there were only 279 cases of hepatitis B reported in US children under age 14.
Does the Maryland judge who ordered the forced vaccination on children know about the serious potential neurological harm posed by the Hepatitis B vaccine?
Has the judge read reports in the New England Journal of Medicine, Pharmacoepidemiological Drug Safety, the British Medical Journal showing that the vaccine has led to an alarming 3-fold increase the incidence of Multiple Sclerosis in France and the UK?
A 2004 study by Miguel Hernan, MD, published in the journal, Neurology, analyzed the UK national health database to identify MS patients and people who had gotten the hepatitis B vaccine. Roughly 3 million Britons were registered in the database. The researchers estimated that immunization was associated with a threefold increase in MS risk within the three years following vaccination.
The Hepatitis B vaccine has also been linked to other serious health
hazards: including lupus, myelitis, thyroid diseases, chronic fatigue, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, etc.
Below is an original article by Marc Girard, MD, an editor of the journal, Medical Veritas, (Journal of Truth) that should give judges and public officials nightmares about their responsibility in failing to learn the facts about the vaccines before issuing orders to force children to be exposed to potential irreversible harm.
Even a quick perusal of documents unearthed during the course of litigation will demonstrate that evidence about severe adverse drug / vaccine effects are routinely suppressed by the powerful pharmaceutical industry.
The rights of parents and children are being trampled in the name of "public safety" when in reality it is to protect vaccine manufacturers' profits:
"My son, Chris, who became learning disabled after suffering a serious reaction to a fourth DPT shot in 1980, traveled with me to Maryland carrying a camera. After growing up watching his Mom work to change one-size-fits-all vaccine policies that were responsible for his vaccine reaction, Chris recently decided he wants to help NVIC put a face on what it means to be vaccine injured in America and what it means when Americans do not have the right to freely exercise informed consent to vaccination.
Chris set up his camera as I talked with a mother hundreds of yards from the front of the Courthouse door. I was about 12 inches inside a row of large cement balls that apparently were erected as a barrier to prevent terrorist attacks. I did not know I wasn't supposed to be talking with this Mom inside the barrier. She was telling me about how she wasn't given any information about vaccines before her children were injected with three vaccines.
All of a sudden, out of the corner of my eye I saw an armed guard with a dog emerge from the Courthouse and walk toward us. I got a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach. It was the dread that any citizen of any country in any century has ever felt when an armed guard with a dog starts advancing. As if we were common criminals or terrorists, he yelled and gestured to us to move behind the stones.
We moved without a word. And the sick feeling in the pit of my stomach told me we were being shown the power of the State wielded by that armed guard with the dog, just as parents inside the Courthouse were being shown the power of the State wielded by doctors with syringes."
See: Statement by Barbara Loe Fisher, President and Co-Founder of the National Vaccine Information Center
See, Press coverage:
CNN: Vaccines or else: Parents Blast Order for Schoolchildren
Associated Press: Maryland Schools Get Tough on Vaccinations
Contact: Vera Hassner Sharav
See the Full Text of Being or Not Being an Idiot, By Marc Girard MD
Thu, November 22nd, 2007. 03:00 pm
Mother-To-Be Flees Social Workers
Daily Mail
Mother-to-be flees as social workers warn her they will take her baby away at birth
A mother-to-be has fled her home after social workers threatened to take her baby within minutes of the birth.
Fran Lyon, 22, hopes a new local authority will take a different approach.
She insists that the mental health problems she had as a teenager - she started self-harming at 15 and has been treated at psychiatric hospitals for borderline personality disorder - are now behind her and there is no evidence she will harm her child.
Miss Lyon moved out of Hexham after receiving a copy of her "birth plan" from social services at Northumberland County Council.
It says she will be given a maximum of 15 minutes with her baby - who she has already named Molly - before she is taken into care.
She is now in the Birmingham Yardley constituency of Liberal Democrat MP John Hemming, who has taken up her case and is campaigning to overturn the decision.
Miss Lyon said she had been hounded out of her home by a "barbaric" decision and felt she had no choice but to move if she is to have any chance of keeping her baby.
She added: "It is a sad indictment of a local authority in the way they have dealt with an expectant mother who has tried to co-operate with some of the most extreme measures imaginable."
Miss Lyon said social workers fear she is likely to develop Munchausen's syndrome by proxy. The controversial condition is said to lead mothers to seek attention by harming their child or claiming it is ill.
"I have been told that I am not even to breastfeed my child in case I try to poison her," she said.
"As far as I am concerned, the birth plan is abusive and I will just not stand for it. It would leave Molly isolated from anybody who loves her from the first few minutes of her life. It is barbaric and it deprives her of a basic right."
She hopes Birmingham City Council will review the case, but admitted: "I don't know what's going to happen. It's a waiting game at the moment."
Miss Lyon became involved with social services in July after a domestic incident involving her former partner.
At a subsequent meeting, she revealed her history of mental health problems and was told they would be taking action to remove her child once she is born in January.
Munchausen's - first identified by Sir Roy Meadow during the 1970s - has been at the heart of a series of miscarriages of justice.
Sir Roy was responsible for evidence that led to the wrongful convictions of Angela Cannings and Sally Clark for murdering their children. Mrs Clark died earlier this year.
Miss Lyon has appealed for a place in a mother and baby unit so she can look after her child under supervision.
Northumberland County Council said last night: "Where a child or unborn baby is subject to a child protection plan and they move to another local authority area, responsibility would normally pass to the new authority.
"A transfer conference is arranged as soon as possible and the family and their support are usually invited to attend. The existing plan is discussed, but the new authority makes its own decisions about how to proceed.
"Northumberland County Council would make sure the new authority has all the relevant information it needs to make informed decisions."
Mr Hemming is chairman of the Justice for Families organisation and believes councils are now taking more babies to meet Government adoption targets.
He said of Miss Lyon's case: "What could be more traumatic than for a mother to have her baby taken away at birth? It's monstrous.
"That, in itself, can cause mental health problems which are then used by social services against the mother as a reason not to return the baby. It becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.
"There has been a massive increase in younger babies being taken into care before there is even any evidence of harm."
The MP, married with four children, made headlines in 2005 when he fathered a love child after a six-year affair with his personal assistant.
- ends -
Thu, November 22nd, 2007. 02:58 pm
One Click Launches NICE High Court Action Today
21 November 2007
Health Advocacy Pressure Group
Launches NICE High Court Action Today
The One Click health advocacy pressure group lodged formal application with the High Court today for Judicial Review of the CFS/ME National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) Guidelines. The legal team handling this case are Saunders Solicitors LLP and Counsel Kate Marcus from Doughty Street Chambers. We seek to get these entirely flawed Guidelines quashed and withdrawn.
In defiance of the substantial biomedical evidence submitted to its Guideline Development Group (GDG), NICE is recommending the inappropriate and potentially dangerous behavioural modification regimes of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy/Graded Exercise Therapy (CBT/GET) as the only management strategy for these patients. These have been shown to do neurological ME/CFS patients considerable harm.
By contrast, the World Health Organisation classifies ME/CFS as a neurological illness (WHO ICD-10 G93.3) and this is accepted by the Department of Health. The United Kingdom government is signatory to the WHO rubric and therefore must abide by this.
The British Psychological Society has publicly criticised the Guidelines for being insufficiently evidence-based and too prescriptive in its recommendations of therapy. Eight of the major ME/CFS charities have declared the Guidelines as Unfit for Purpose. One Click Group Director Jane Bryant said: "ME/CFS labelled patients, doctors, academics, charities and groups from around the world have provided us with tremendous support for this Judicial Review. We very much look forward to the biomedical ME/CFS evidence being placed in the public domain in the High Court by us."
Professor Anthony Komaroff from Harvard Medical School said: "There are now over 4,000 published studies that show underlying biological abnormalities in patients with this illness. It's not an illness that people can simply imagine that they have and it's not a psychological illness. In my view, that debate, which was waged for 20 years, should now be over."
The One Click Group seeks to finally bring this debate to a most timely end through the High Court.
- ends -
For further information, please contact The One Click Group
Email: mail@theoneclckgroup.co.uk
Website: www.theoneclickgroup.co.uk
Information for Editors
One Click Bio
British Psychological Society Press Release
Evidence to the Health Select Committee on NICE, Professor Malcolm Hooper
Wed, November 21st, 2007. 04:12 pm
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Construction, maintenance and development of this site is by young Borreliosis sufferer Ben Bryant.
His health and strength determine the site’s activity.
Launched on the 22nd May 2004.
Inviato 24 novembre 2007 - 10:52:51
About This Video 17th November 2007. BBC Breakfast features the ... (more)
Added: 17 November 2007
17th November 2007. BBC Breakfast features the NICE guidelines on M.E. The guidelines are going to have a judicial review - the first time NICE policy will have been subject to any such action, as far as I know.
The UK government, in their infinite wisdom, are trying to get at least 1m people off Incapacity Benefit and back into work DESPITE advice being given to patients to "pace" themselves (conducting one's life within certain limits - not pushing oneself too hard to avoid making the illness worse)
Even the two doctors interviewed, Shepherd and Jarvis, mention that some patients have a tendency to over exert themselves, leading to a relapse or "crash".
In my view, the government policy of getting people diagnosed with M.E. back to work without having adequate physiological research and treatment may very well result in making patients health worse, exacerbating an already large medical problem.
If you're at all interested, click on my "Light My Fire" video to see what my view on the guidelines are. (less)
Added: 17 November 2007
Category: News & Politics
Thank you for sharing. I'm so glad they made it very apparent that Graded Exercise makes most people with ME worse- so to even suggest it as a potential course of (mis)treatment within the guidelines is ridiculous.
qualcuno tanto per curiosità mi direbbe che si dice? io non spikko inglish….grazie.
Messaggio modificato da vivolenta, 24 novembre 2007 - 10:56:37
Inviato 24 novembre 2007 - 13:13:07
Debatt om NICE guidelines
About This Video 17th November 2007. BBC Breakfast features the ... (more)
Added: 17 November 2007
17th November 2007. BBC Breakfast features the NICE guidelines on M.E. The guidelines are going to have a judicial review - the first time NICE policy will have been subject to any such action, as far as I know.
The UK government, in their infinite wisdom, are trying to get at least 1m people off Incapacity Benefit and back into work DESPITE advice being given to patients to "pace" themselves (conducting one's life within certain limits - not pushing oneself too hard to avoid making the illness worse)
Even the two doctors interviewed, Shepherd and Jarvis, mention that some patients have a tendency to over exert themselves, leading to a relapse or "crash".
In my view, the government policy of getting people diagnosed with M.E. back to work without having adequate physiological research and treatment may very well result in making patients health worse, exacerbating an already large medical problem.
If you're at all interested, click on my "Light My Fire" video to see what my view on the guidelines are. (less)
Added: 17 November 2007
Category: News & Politics
Thank you for sharing. I'm so glad they made it very apparent that Graded Exercise makes most people with ME worse- so to even suggest it as a potential course of (mis)treatment within the guidelines is ridiculous.
qualcuno tanto per curiosità mi direbbe che si dice? io non spikko inglish….grazie.
Traduzione del post:
Su questo Video 17 novembre 2007: etc etc
Le linee guida NICE sulla ME stanno per essere sottoposte a revisione Giudiziale- è la prima volta che la politica del NICE verrà sottoposta ad una azione simile che io sappia.
Il Governo del Regono Unito, nella sua infinita saggezza, sta cercando di lasciare almeno un milione di persone fuori dalle Indennità di Disabilità e di farle tornare al lavoro nonostante ai pazienti venga consigliato di "regolare" se stessi ( conducendo la propria vita entro certi limiti- non spingendosi troppo in là per evitare di far peggiorare la malattia). Persino i due medici intervistati, Sheperd and Jarvis, hanno menzionato il fatto che questi pazienti hanno la tendenza a sforzarsi troppo, andanco così incontro a ricadute o "crash".
Secondo me, la politica governativa di rimandare al lavoro le persone con diagnosi di ME, senza avere adeguati ricerca fisiologica e trattamento, potrà risolversi in un peggioramento della salute dei pazienti, esacerbando così un problema medico già esteso.
Se siete interessati, cliccate sul mio video "Light my fire" per vedere qual è la mia opinione su ciò che sono le linee guida.
Grazie per averlo condiviso. Sono così contento che si renda evidente che l'esercizio graduato fa peggiorare la maggior parte delle persone con ME- e perciò suggerirlo persino come un (mis) trattamento all'interno delle linee guida è ridicolo.
Putroppo non sono in grado di vedere il video dato che la mia connessione trainata dai buoi non me lo rende possibile.
Perciò se volevi la traduzione del video, I'm sorry.

"tu cerchi la risposta, ma non devi cercare fuori la risposta, la risposta è dentro di te, e però è sbagliata!" Quelo
Inviato 24 novembre 2007 - 15:49:00
spero che qualcuno con connessione piu veloce riesca a vederlo e magari ci sappia pure dire di cosa si tratta:
é un servizio giornalistico ? se si trasmesso da un tg? cosa dice?
grazie a chiunque ..
Inviato 24 novembre 2007 - 16:41:43
Il secondo, "Light My Fire", è un video dove scorrono delle slide, e l'audio è un sottofondo musicale.
Secondo me, la politica governativa di rimandare al lavoro le persone con diagnosi di ME, senza avere adeguati ricerca fisiologica e trattamento, potrà risolversi in un peggioramento della salute dei pazienti, esacerbando così un problema medico già esteso.
E pensare che per 18 anni mi hanno "costretto" a sforzarmi a lavorare, a stare in piedi ecc. perchè era solo questione di forza di volontà

"In medicina tutto quello che è sconosciuto è malattia mentale" (...)
"Una delle malattie più diffuse è la diagnosi." (Karl Kraus)
La foto di Zac qui: PhotoZac
Inviato 24 novembre 2007 - 16:58:06
Il primo è un video della BBC, potete ascoltarlo o scaricarlo l'audio qui:
Il secondo, "Light My Fire", è un video dove scorrono delle slide, e l'audio è un sottofondo musicale.
E pensare che per 18 anni mi hanno "costretto" a sforzarmi a lavorare, a stare in piedi ecc. perchè era solo questione di forza di volontà
Grazie per l'audio del primo ma il video "light my fire" in quale delle duemila pagine dei video di doors e compagnia è nascosto??? O chiedo troppo

"tu cerchi la risposta, ma non devi cercare fuori la risposta, la risposta è dentro di te, e però è sbagliata!" Quelo
Inviato 24 novembre 2007 - 17:29:30
About This Video
Burn baby burn!
The medical profession in the UK... (more)
Added: September 15, 2007
Burn baby burn!
The medical profession in the UK is being told to treat patients diagnosed with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (a.k.a. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome - as the medical profession has been told by those influential enough to call the shots to refer to it as) with psychiatric treatments *despite* growing evidence that M.E. is a physiological illness. Even though the UK guidelines were published in August 2007, the results were signposted months in advance - I heard Prof Simon Wessely (do a Google search - not necessarily just a Wikipedia search) hint at a psychiatrically-based outcome back in February 2007.
Despite psychiatric-based treatments being available, those treatments have low success rates.
M.E. is thought to cost the UK billions a year in lost workdays, benefits, poor health care etc and the NICE guidelines are not going to make a huge difference.
N.B. If you want a better, more progressive set of guidelines, the Canadian guidelines are a big improvement.
November 2007 update: The NICE guidelines are going to be legally challenged. I don't hold out much hope but it may do some attritional damage.
"In medicina tutto quello che è sconosciuto è malattia mentale" (...)
"Una delle malattie più diffuse è la diagnosi." (Karl Kraus)
La foto di Zac qui: PhotoZac
Inviato 24 novembre 2007 - 17:33:12
About This Video
Burn baby burn!
The medical profession in the UK... (more)
Added: September 15, 2007
Burn baby burn!
The medical profession in the UK is being told to treat patients diagnosed with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (a.k.a. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome - as the medical profession has been told by those influential enough to call the shots to refer to it as) with psychiatric treatments *despite* growing evidence that M.E. is a physiological illness. Even though the UK guidelines were published in August 2007, the results were signposted months in advance - I heard Prof Simon Wessely (do a Google search - not necessarily just a Wikipedia search) hint at a psychiatrically-based outcome back in February 2007.
Despite psychiatric-based treatments being available, those treatments have low success rates.
M.E. is thought to cost the UK billions a year in lost workdays, benefits, poor health care etc and the NICE guidelines are not going to make a huge difference.
N.B. If you want a better, more progressive set of guidelines, the Canadian guidelines are a big improvement.
November 2007 update: The NICE guidelines are going to be legally challenged. I don't hold out much hope but it may do some attritional damage.
Thanks a lot, Zac!
Slide o non slide ci metto lo stesso una vita a vederlo tutto, rimanderò a stanotte.....
Messaggio modificato da danis, 24 novembre 2007 - 17:36:32
"tu cerchi la risposta, ma non devi cercare fuori la risposta, la risposta è dentro di te, e però è sbagliata!" Quelo
Inviato 24 novembre 2007 - 17:55:47
Thanks a lot, Zac!
Slide o non slide ci metto lo stesso una vita a vederlo tutto, rimanderò a stanotte.....
No invece fatto!
Carina l'idea di bruciare le pagine del NICE....
Ecco quello che dice (nessuna novità)
Nell’agosto 2007
Il National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE)
Ha pubblicato le sue Linee Guida sulla diagnosi e la gestione
Della EncefaloMielite Mialgica
Queste Linee Guida istruiscono più o meno
I medici su come dovrebbero trattare
Le persone con diagnosi di ME
Nonostante le crescenti prove
Che la ME non sia una malattia
Di origine psichiatrica
Le linee guida contengono ancora
Numerosi riferimenti
Ai trattamenti psichiatrici
Le Linee guida stanno per migliorare le vite
Dei pazienti e per salvare i soldi dei contribuenti?
Probabilmente No
Non ho bisogno di Terapia Cognitivo-Comportamentale
O Terapia di Esercizio graduale.
"tu cerchi la risposta, ma non devi cercare fuori la risposta, la risposta è dentro di te, e però è sbagliata!" Quelo
Inviato 25 novembre 2007 - 12:35:20
Inviato 25 novembre 2007 - 14:23:38
Da One Click Group. domenica 25 novembre 2007
[…] Questa causa legale contro il NICE ha il potere di cambiare i protocolli di quanti con diagnosi di ME/CFS sono stati così maltrattati dalla lobby psichiatrica nel mondo. Ciò che sta accadendo in Gran Bretagna in questa sfida giudiziaria avrà un effetto domino globale per i pazienti.
La nostra causa sta andando tremendamente bene e siamo assistiti da persone di tutti i paesi del mondo. Il supporto è stato gigantesco. […]
"tu cerchi la risposta, ma non devi cercare fuori la risposta, la risposta è dentro di te, e però è sbagliata!" Quelo
Inviato 25 novembre 2007 - 22:25:59
Entusiasmo da one click
Da One Click Group. domenica 25 novembre 2007
[…] Questa causa […]
Cara Danis,
A suo tempo te l'ho detto. Ti incollo alcuni articoli di the One click Group. C'e ' anche quello della dr.ssa Myhill di cui, a suo tempo, avevo dato l'indirizzo di email (sempre su consiglio dell'innominato).
Naturalmente, se tutto va bene, non riusciremo a sconfiggere completamente il NICE (che e' un ente parastato/parac..).. CMq faremo un bel spolverone, a livello internazionale.
Per Natale comincero' a preparare la mia pratica personale:portero@ il goveno inglese (servizi sociali, medici) ecc. in corte europea, per continua violazione dei diritti umani fondamentali, abuso di potere, ecc. Ho scrito ufficiosamente a Sua Maesta'. In passato mi aveva riposto speditamente in riferimento ad un'altra persona. Questa volta ha taciuto. Chissa' perche'? Cmq nella prossima lettera formale la faro' schiappettare dal trono.
Salutissimi e buona lettura (degli articoli sul The once click group)
Inviato 26 novembre 2007 - 21:49:56
Cara Danis,
A suo tempo te l'ho detto. Ti incollo alcuni articoli di the One click Group. C'e ' anche quello della dr.ssa Myhill di cui, a suo tempo, avevo dato l'indirizzo di email (sempre su consiglio dell'innominato).
Naturalmente, se tutto va bene, non riusciremo a sconfiggere completamente il NICE (che e' un ente parastato/parac..).. CMq faremo un bel spolverone, a livello internazionale.
ecco un nuovo articolo su the On eclick Group
Psychiatrists Pimping For Drug Companies Exposed
Promoting Openness, Full Disclosure, and Accountability
www.ahrp.org and http://ahrp.blogspot.com
One Psychiatrist Quits Pimping for Drug Companies - New York Times Magazine
Vera Hassner Sharav
Dr. Drug Rep, an article by psychiatrist, Daniel Carlat MD, in The New York Times Magazine, describes his year long foray into pitching Effexor for Wyeth Pharmceuticals. Effexor is a toxic antidepressant drug that is linked to hypertension, even at low doses. Furthermore, the drug was linked to severe withdrawal symptoms: "dizziness and lightheadedness, bizarre electric-shock sensations in their heads, insomnia, sadness and tearfulness." Some patients, Dr. Carlat acknowledges, thought they were having strokes or nervous breakdowns and were showing up in emergency rooms. Indeed, as Wyeth's own studies show, patients prescribed Effexor has a 50% increased risk of developing severe withdrawal symptoms compared to placebo.
Despite the drug's serious risks, Wyeth had no problem recruiting psychiatrists, like Dr. Carlat, to pitch their drug to other psychiatrists and primary care physicians at events labeled, "Lunch and Learn". See graphic showing the marketing power of psychiatrist pitching to psychiatrists.
So how do "physicians" sworn to do no harm rationalize promoting toxic drugs to other psychiatrists when they suspect that the end result will harm patients?
Dr. Carlat provides the unvarnished answer that should be publicized widely in the mass media: "Receiving $750 checks for chatting with some doctors during a lunch break was such easy money that it left me giddy. Like an addiction, it was very hard to give up."
Upon arrival at the Milleneum Hotel in New York, Dr. Carlat was handed a folder containing "the schedule of talks, an invitation to various dinners and receptions and two tickets to a Broadway musical....I felt a gnawing at the edge of my conscience. This seemed like a lot of money to lavish on me just so that I could provide some education to primary-care doctors in a small town north of Boston."
He describes that first conference attended by a hundred or so other psychiatrists from different parts of the U.S.
"I recognized a couple of the attendees, including an acquaintance I hadn’t seen in a while. I’d heard that he moved to another state and was making a bundle of money, but nobody seemed to know exactly how. I joined him at his table and asked him what he had been up to. He said he had a busy private practice and had given a lot of talks for Warner-Lambert, a company that had since been acquired by Pfizer. His talks were on Neurontin, a drug that was approved for epilepsy but that my friend had found helpful for bipolar disorder in his practice. (In 2004, Warner-Lambert pleaded guilty to illegally marketing Neurontin for unapproved uses. It is illegal for companies to pay doctors to promote so-called off-label uses.)
I knew about Neurontin and had prescribed it occasionally for bipolar disorder in my practice, though I had never found it very helpful. A recent study found that it worked no better than a placebo for this condition. I asked him if he really thought Neurontin worked for bipolar, and he said that he felt it was “great for some patients” and that he used it “all the time.” Given my clinical experiences with the drug, I wondered whether his positive opinion had been influenced by the money he was paid to give talks.
But I put those questions aside...On the agenda were talks from some of the most esteemed academics in the field, authors of hundreds of articles in the major psychiatric journals. They included Michael Thase, of the University of Pittsburgh and the researcher who single-handedly put Effexor on the map with a meta-analysis, and Norman Sussman, a professor of psychiatry at New York University, who was master of ceremonies.
Thase strode to the lectern first in order to describe his groundbreaking work synthesizing data from more than 2,000 patients who had been enrolled in studies comparing Effexor with S.S.R.I.’s. At this time, with his Effexor study a topic of conversation in the mental-health world, Thase was one of the most well known and well respected psychiatrists in the United States. He cut a captivating figure onstage: tall and slim, dynamic, incredibly articulate and a master of the research craft...."
As Dr. Carlat points out: "I realized that in my canned talks, I was blithely minimizing the hypertension risks, conveniently overlooking the fact that hypertension is a dangerous condition and not one to be trifled with. Why, I began to wonder, would anyone prescribe an antidepressant that could cause hypertension when there were many other alternatives? And why wasn’t I asking this obvious question out loud during my talks?"
"I felt rattled. I wondered if he saw me for what I feared I had become — a drug rep with an M.D. I began to think that the money was affecting my critical judgment. I was willing to dance around the truth in order to make the drug reps happy."
Before his conscience led him to quit, Dr. Carlat was but one of an army of physicians pimping for drug manufacturers: "one recent study indicates that at least 25 percent of all doctors in the United States receive drug money for lecturing to physicians or for helping to market drugs in other ways. This meant that I was about to join some 200,000 American physicians who are being paid by companies to promote their drugs."
Unlike sales reps, industry-paid physicians pose a serious health hazard to unsuspecting Americans who wrongly place their trust in those licensed to practice medicine.
A key facilitator for turning doctors into pimps for Pharma:
"The American Medical Association is also a key player in prescription data-mining. Pharmacies typically will not release doctors’ names to the data-mining companies, but they will release their Drug Enforcement Agency numbers. The A.M.A. licenses its file of U.S. physicians, allowing the data-mining companies to match up D.E.A. numbers to specific physicians. The A.M.A. makes millions in information-leasing money."
Psychiatrists tip the scale whenever documents--such as by the Minneota Attorney General-- are uncovered. See here.
So, how many psychiatrists are pimping for drug companies ?????????
The precise number is known to industry alone.
Contact: Vera Hassner Sharav
For further information:
New York Times Magazine
Dr. Drug Rep
November 25, 2007
Mon, November 26th, 2007. 05:59 pm
Inviato 18 febbraio 2008 - 20:38:42
Entusiasmo da one click
Da One Click Group. domenica 25 novembre 2007
[…] Questa causa legale contro il NICE ha il potere di cambiare i protocolli […]
Salve a tutti!
1- Lo studio legale Saunders LLPP ha ottenuto i sussidi legali dallo stato e la vertenza e' stata depositata in tribunale,per reisame giudizione del procsso decisionale del Nice.
2- C''e' un'altra vertenza in corso portata innnazi al tribunale. Un gruppo di 10.000 persone, che 10 anni or sono era stato avvelenato da acqua potabile inquinata ha portato in tribunale il Profesor Wessely che, al empo dell[inchiesta, era stato chiamato in tribunal in qualita' di "esperto" ed aveva dichiarato che si trattava di mere somatizzazioni. Nelle rete idrica erano stati versati accidentalmente 700 tonnelate di una sostana molto tossica. 10.000 persone si ammalarono e, molte di esse, diventarono persino di colore verde!
Inviato 25 febbraio 2008 - 21:43:28
Salve a tutti!
Vertenza contro il Nice - Aggionramento numero 4
Lettera di Jane Bryant
25 February 2008
One Click NICE Judicial Review
Campaign Update 4
By Jane Bryant
Dear All
I write to you today on a subject very dear to the hearts of hundreds of thousands of people around the world - the One Click Judicial Review of the appalling CFS/ME Guidelines produced by the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) in the United Kingdom.
So often I have wanted to write to you on this subject. To explain the weaving, the ducking and diving, the secretive duplicity and the sheer political malfeasance carried out by some over this court case. Each time I have stayed my hand. Stayed my hand in the hope that the sheer grinding hard work going on behind the scenes of this case would improve our position.
It is my happy duty to announce to you today that thanks to the formidable representation carried out by our excellent lawyers Saunders Solicitors LLP (http://tinyurl.com/ysllr5) and the work of One Click conjoined to help ME/CFS labelled patients, we have very good news to impart.
One Click NICE Judicial Review Background
One Click is taking on new global readers every day of the week and so I feel that it is beholden upon me to provide a short backgrounder for everyone in relation to this momentous High Court case.
For many years, the One Click health advocacy pressure group has been a Registered Stakeholder on the development of the CFS/ME NICE Guidelines (http://tinyurl.com/2zdww6) since their inception.
One Click submitted our material to NICE contributed by patients, doctors, academics, health advocates, carers, families and friends from around the world. No matter how many obstacles were put in our way by NICE, we overcame them to submit our formal evidence. See The One Click Group Response - CFS/ME NICE Guidelineshttp://tinyurl.com/ygweub), submitted to NICE on 16 November 2006 and updated by us on 6 October 2007. (
Upon publication of these Guidelines in August 2007, it became abundantly clear that our formal representations to NICE by due process, along with many other Stakeholders besides, had made absolutely no difference. That the entire production and publication of these Guidelines had been unlawfully hijacked by the psychiatric lobby that has been permitted by government to control all research and treatment on ME/CFS in the United Kingdom.
In October 2007, One Click therefore formally and publicly announced our intention to take NICE to the High Court for Judicial Review of these Guidelines. Our announcement was sent to the NICE Chairman Michael Rawlins, Chief Executive Andrew Dillon and various NICE personnel. We subsequently approached the Legal Services Commission/Legal Aid (http://tinyurl.com/39wjw4) for their assistance in funding this momentous case.
The Legal Services Commission complied. It provided us with initial funding to work with our formidable barrister, Kate Marcus from Doughty Street Chambers (http://tinyurl.com/2lkac6) and to lodge our Application with the High Court. See 21 November 2007 Press Release (http://tinyurl.com/3ccfp4), Health Advocacy Pressure Group Launches NICE High Court Action Today.
In December 2007, the Legal Services Commission asked us to raise £10,250 as our financial contribution for this case against NICE to be brought in the name of your young Ben, The One Click Group Technical Director. With great difficulty and with excruciating hard work, we raised the pain-soaked thousands of pounds demanded by them.
From around the world we collected your financial pledges to fight this case, sent direct to Saunders Solicitors LLP. From a little boy donating his pocket money from the United States to an entire church congregation in the UK, the funds arrived from patients, their carers, families, friends, doctors, academics, researchers and selected charities from around the world. £5 here, £10 there and a bit more from those who could afford it. From Switzerland, Australia, the United States, Germany, France, New Zealand, South Africa, South America, Canada and the United Kingdom to name but a few, in came your contributions to challenge NICE in the High Court frequently accompanied by your words. The words of pain, medical neglect, malfeasance and of the psychiatric lobby manipulation of this neurological illness - your heartbreaking stories flooded in to One Click and its lawyers.
Your response to us was so great. We immediately recognised that we are making legal history with this case. Never has anything like this been done anywhere else in the world before.
The very idea of the Legal Services Commission forcing us to raise so much money to challenge deeply flawed government policy made me feel utterly sick because it fundamentally and completely conflicts with access to justice and the very concept of political democracy. Nonetheless we complied. Saunders informed the Legal Services Commission that we had reached their £10,250 target and on 20 January One Click published Very Simply We Did It (http://tinyurl.com/2esegy) to announce this momentous news.
Breaking News
Nothing is ever simple and straightforward with a case like this.
To our considerable dismay – nay outrage - the Legal Services Commission response to our £10,250 contribution was to elect to deny us the funding that we required to place our expert witness testimony before the High Court. Lest we forget dear friends, the Legal Services Commission is a government-funded quango with a Legal Aid budget of £2 billion. See The Times, Public Let Down By Legal Services Commission (http://tinyurl.com/2nfdd5).
At that juncture it seemed to us that above all, the British government wished to place obstacles in the way of the pro bono expert witness testimony of Dr Bruce Carruthers - one of the foremost leading experts in the world on ME/CFS and whose international medical consensus Guidelines make those of NICE look like fatal amateur night – surfacing in the High Court.
Dr Bruce Carruthers is the lead author and co-editor of the Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: Clinical Working Case Definition, Diagnostic and Treatment Protocols The ME/CFS Canadian Guidelines (http://tinyurl.com/br8oa). Funded by government, the ME/CFS Canadian Guidelines incorporate most all scientific research done on ME/CFS for the last ten to fifteen years.
Produced by a process of international consensus by a panel of scientists and expert physicians who have between them diagnosed/treated over 25,000 patients around the world, the ME/CFS Canadian Guidelines are the most advanced, consensual, clinical diagnostic criteria on this illness available in the world today. As such, they have long symbolised the wooden stake in the psychiatric lobby vampire heart ever since their publication in 2003.
Previously a Research Scholar on the Medical Research Council of Canada amongst his many other senior posts, Dr Carruthers is without doubt one of the greatest ME/CFS experts alive in the world today in regard to criteria and guidelines over this neurological illness, classified as such by the World Health Organisation under ICD.10 G93.3.
It was this man's expert witness testimony that the Legal Services Commission was refusing to allow us to place before the Judge together with other expert testimony on the issue of Randomised Clinical Trials - the very base upon which these entirely flawed Guidelines have been predicated.
Had this Legal Services Commission funding refusal been allowed to stand, it would have represented the most crashing injustice and would have naturally caused worldwide outrage.
We are now pleased to report that on the 20 February 2008, the Legal Services Commission were obliged to reconsider their position after the excellent work carried out by Saunders Solicitors LLP and The One Click Group conjoined in dedicated advocacy for patients.
We would like to thank the Legal Services Commission for this latest decision and take this opportunity to gently remind them of their mission statement that announces:
"Our work is fundamental to social and legal justice. In a democratic society all citizens have a right to access justice and get a fair trial."It is to this government-funded quango’s credit that they finally elected to see the legal light.
I could go on at considerable length regarding the machinations of a High Court trial such as this that the British government simply does not want to happen, but it would serve no practical and useful purpose to blow the lid off the proceedings at this stage. What presently matters is that we have at last been granted the funding for our expert witnesses and our case is now full-steaming ahead.
Sir Winston Churchill, British politician 1874 -1965, knew what he was talking about when he said, "The chain of destiny can only be grasped one link at a time." We have grasped our latest link most firmly and are now on to the next, employing the vice-like grip on your behalf for which One Click has become so famous.
I would like to personally thank the expert witnesses who are providing pro bono medical testimony for our case in the High Court.
I would like to particularly thank Saunders Solicitors LLP for their superb handling of legal events and also to thank our barrister Kate Marcus from Doughty Street Chambers who is now in a position to work up our expert evidence.
But above all I would like to thank YOU. All of you from around the world who are making this case possible.
I quote from the document Very Simply We Did Ithttp://tinyurl.com/33evmu): “What this campaign has so starkly illustrated is that it is entirely possible for patients and their extensive friends around the world to band together and fight back to correct injustice. The days of the Expert Patient and their associates making their voices formally and legally felt have now arrived at last thanks to you all."
I will be writing to you all further anon as our legal challenge of the appalling CFS/ME NICE Guidelines in the High Court progresses. Some of the information that I will doubtless have to impart to you all in the future may well rock you to your foundations.
Onwards and upwards dear friends. Our legal course is set fair.
Jane Bryant
The One Click Group
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