Borreliosi news dagli stati uniti
Inviato 09 ottobre 2007 - 19:08:04
Al momento non possono tradurvele. Mi riprometto di farlo appena posso. CMq vi consiglio di annotarvi il sito.
Key Words: Ethics, Research Misconduct, Political and Medical Manipulation, Viral and Bacterial Testing, Lyme Borreliosis, Sue O'Connell, Unfair Representation, Improper Procedures, Scientific Fraudulence, ME/CFS Charities, Judicial Review. These are the issues that NICE tries to cut. Each has his place. Read the NICE News on One Click.
2. NEJM Lyme Authors Under Attorney General Investigation.
International Lyme and Associated Diseases Society (ILADS) writes from Bethesda, MD (PRWEB) October 3, 2007. "The article was written by a group of researchers who have consistently voiced a narrow viewpoint on the existence of chronic Lyme disease and appropriate treatment. Eleven of the authors were members of the panel that formulated the 2006 Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA) Lyme guidelines. The panel is currently under investigation by the Connecticut Attorney General for exclusionary practices in formulating the IDSA guidelines."
3. Judicial Watch Sues FDA Over Gardasil Data.
(Washington, DC) -- Judicial Watch, the public interest group, uncovers new FDA records detailing deaths in 1,824 Adverse Reaction Reports related to HPV Vaccine. Judicial Watch sues FDA for producing “Partial Response” to FOIA Request.
4. New MRC CEO CFS Psychiatric Lobby Advocate.
One Click Update: It will come as news of some consternation to ME/CFS watchers worldwide that Leszek Borysiewicz, new CEO of the UK Medical Research Council, is the very same individual who cooperated and put his name to the CFS Oxford Criteria (Sharpe et al, 1991) so castigated by scientists, doctors and patients worldwide due to its primary focus on 'fatigue' and utter discounting of all neurological ME/CFS symptoms.
Inviato 10 ottobre 2007 - 18:21:30
link FAQ:http://www.bada-uk.org/faq.html
Is a rash always the first symptom?
A.3 - No. The rash, which is called Erythema Migrans, may appear at any time during early or late/chronic infection and can appear, or reappear, while the patient is on treatment. Studies have shown that less than 50% of infected people develop an Erythema Migrans rash and some strains of Borrelia do not present with any skin involvement. Flu-like symptoms and excessive fatigue are often the first noticeable indications of infection. Progression of the illness can lead on to symptoms including cranial-nerve facial palsy, meningitis and heart problems, arthritis and encephalitis (inflammation of the brain) to name but a few. The onset of symptoms and presentation can differ for each individual.
Inviato 11 ottobre 2007 - 20:27:39
borreliosis & associated Diseases Awareness UK
link FAQ:http://www.bada-uk.org/faq.html
Is a rash always the first symptom?
A.3 - No. The rash, which is called Erythema Migrans,
no Vivolenta. Il rash ci puo' essere o non essere, oppure essere fisso o migrante, puo' vere la forma di un bel cerchio (con i brodi che si rialzano gradatamente) Avere anche "un'occchio" al centro del cerchio oppure non averlo. Cmq, la prima volta che ti accorgi della borreliosi puoi avere anche dei bei dolori muscolari, osteoarticolari, ecc. Il test di ricerca indiretta c'e e si fa all'ospedale civile di pesaro.
Nelle infezioni successive la borrelia , come la bordetella, evade il sistema immunitario. la Borrelia modificata dagli americani (la Borrelia che ha causato la malattia di Lyme) tende a produrre un eritema dal bordo molto alto e di grosso spessore. la versione di Lyme e' una superbordetella (la bordetella e' una spirocheta , strettamente imparentata con il treponema pallidum, l'agente della sifilide).
Nel 45 per cento dei casi di bordetellosi sembra essere presente anche la borreliosi e viceversa. In questi casi oltre all'eritromicina bisogna usare anche il rocefin (almeno due grammi al giorno, poi, il flagyl, samento, ecc). Poi il lavaggio del sangue, gli antiossidanti..ecc
Un gran casino.........
Il Samento lo si usa in alternativa al Rocefin.
Inviato 08 novembre 2007 - 17:33:05
no Vivolenta. Il rash ci puo' essere o non Un gran casino.........
Il Samento lo si usa in alternativa al Rocefin.
Documeto di The One Click Group sulle borreliosi
Inviato 08 novembre 2007 - 22:33:30
NUvo studio sulla booreliosi id Lyme e autismo a malattie affini
Nuovo studio sulla Borreliosi di Lyme ed autismo:
http://www.theonecli.....nd Autism.pdf
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